Small Group Training

All sessions at BSS are strictly capped to ensure each and every member gets the individual support, attention and care they deserve. Our sessions generally have 14-20 women with professional trainers coaching to ensure a high standard of supervision and guidance is always provided. This gives us the ability to coach and teach you how to move properly and address any constraints you may have. We make subtle modifications where needed to ensure everyone gets what they need every time. We teach you to avoid injury, develop total body strength, improve range of motion and increase your power all while maintaining the integrity every session. We have the ability and resources to work with beginner stay at home mums to elite athletes in one group setting.


Our Mission

Our mission is to give you the best training experience possible in our myzone heart rate facility with certified trainers, world class functional training equipment and results driven programs personally designed by the BSS founder, Amal Elbaba.

Each program focuses on proper strength training and cardiovascular conditioning to ensure you perform at your best for everyday life. This level of precision means we don’t waste your time, energy or money.

We optimise every minute of your session. Get started today with a 14-day introductory offer and you’ll discover the BSS style of training that has changed thousands of lives physically and mentally since 2017.